Why didn’t Jesus Rebuild the Temple?

Hi Adam,

Why didn’t Jesus rebuild the temple (in his time)?

Enchanted by Judaism, Cape Town

Jesus didn’t need to rebuild the temple as it was still around in his day.

Israel worshipped in the Tabernacle from the time of Moses until David. Then Solomon built the first temple, and after the exile, Ezra and Nehemiah rebuilt it. In Jesus’ day, Herod had massively renovated and upscaled the temple. Jesus spoke of it being torn down and him rebuilding it in three days as a metaphor for his own death and resurrection (John 2:19-21). This was used to slander him at his trial (Matthew 26:61). However, the temple was only destroyed by the Romans in AD70. So there was no opportunity for Jesus to rebuild it in His lifetime. 

However, there was also no need, as Jesus’ ultimate and final sacrifice ended the need for an earthly temple. When he died the temple curtain was torn from top to bottom (Matthew 27:51), by God it would appear, making an opening into the holiest place, where God’s presence dwelled. The New Testament letter dedicated to the Jewish people (Hebrews) describes how this was evidence of the remarkable thing happening in the spiritual realm at that moment. Hebrews tells us, the curtain represented Jesus’ body, which was broken open, so we could come into God’s presence. Jesus went into the heavenly temple, as the high priests used to enter the earthly temple. But Jesus was not carrying the blood of animals as they did, for an offering that would last only a year; Jesus carried his own blood, an offering fit for all men for all time (Hebrews 10:19-25). 

So, Jesus couldn’t rebuild the temple, cause it was still standing in his day. And he hasn’t needed to rebuild it since, because it is no longer needed.

Adam is an Englishman living abroad, who knows this earth is not his home. Married with two children and a leader in his local church, Adam is a musician, artist, writer and teacher.

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